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Day 6

6 Aug

Today was a lazy day.

I slept in until after 9 a.m. and then I spent a large part of the day sitting in front of the computer. I talked myself out of going to the gym because I was cleaning up the house until the middle of the afternoon and I still hadn’t showered.  It is strange for me to decide if I should shower in the earlier afternoon or put it off until coming home from the gym.  I’ve been working out hard enough that I break a sweat, so it would make sense to shower afterwards.  But, I also don’t want to leave the house and go into public smelling bad either.  I know, I  know; most people would respond with, “Take a shower before and again later.”  That DOES make sense, but if you think about the water wasted by doing that every single day……….that’s a lot of water.  And just think if EVERYBODY did that…….I’m trying to be environmentally friendly in my routine. 

Anyway, so I didn’t go to the gym, I never even got dressed in clothes other than what I consider appropriate for the house only.  I was just all around lazy today.

I had a headache for a while this afternoon, but I think it was a sinus thing because of some rain that came in later in the afternoon.  I made a vow to go to the gym tomorrow and push myself harder, but I probably won’t go on Sunday.  I want to keep that as a “day off” from work and try to follow that routine if possible.  It tends to become a day for “work” during the school year, but I’m going to try to keep myself focused and get work done on Fridays and Saturdays even though I don’t want to because I know that I need to find a greater discipline within myself in order to find the right balance.

I still have yet to do anything for my core, any of the workout DVDs or Netflix, and anything with my Wii.  I should be doing core every single day and I should strive to do pilates a few times each week and Wii any days that I don’t go to the gym.  I guess these are good goals that I should shoot for next week.